7 News Belize

House Cmte Meeting Was A Marathon
posted (October 16, 2013)
At the end of our lengthy newscast yesterday, 7News told you about the public consultation on the proposed amendment to the criminal code.

It went for just over 4 hours, and we could see why. The extensive amendment was carefully explained, clause by clause, to the gathering at the UB Gymnasium. The speakers also addressed some of the questions submitted in writing as they progressed through their presentations.

Tonight, we revisit a small excerpt where the Deputy Solicitor General explained the significance of equal protection for both young girls and young boys, which inadvertently introduced the issue which the Church wants clarified.

The Committee for Foreign Affairs and Constitution has pledged to carefully consider all submissions made in writing. The Deputy Solicitor General has also pledged that corrections in wording will be made so that there can be no doubt that the proposed amendment does not nullify Section 53.

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