The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association can claim a small victory tonight: BSI has agreed to discuss bagasse when both sides meet on the 19th November. That's the gist of a long letter sent today from BSI's Chief Financial Officer Belezario Carballo to the chairman of the BSCFA Leonardo Cano. The letter says quote, "cooperative rather than adversarial relations are in the interests of BSI, the farmers and the industry," end quote. And so, now, the agenda has been modified for Tuesday's meeting: both sides will discuss quote, "how the dispute between the parties on the matter of…payment for bagasse can be dealt with," end quote. And while that's the olive branch extended by BSI, will the Cane farmers accept? Up to this evening, they had no official response.
Last week, the farmers threatened that if they don't have an agreement on bagasse, they won't start the crop on November 25th.