And while the mayor is holding things down in the city, he and two of his councilors have bigger things in mind. Mayor Bradley, and councilors Phillip Willoughby and Dean Samuels are interested in running as candidates in the next general elections. As has been well publicized, Bradley wants to run in Caribbean Shores, while last week Willoughby put his name in to run in the Albert division while Dean Samuels did the same in Belize rural Central. The cases of Bradley and Willoughby are a little complicated since they want to challenge sitting UDP representatives, but Samuels is challenging a caretaker, Michael Hutchinson.
Today Samuels, who lives in Rural central told us why he is interested in vying for that office:...
Dean Samuels, Councilor
"I've sent in my application last week. Now, I am publicly declaring my intention and one good thing I can say for myself basically is that I come with a little name recognition, I have been proven when it comes to hard work. I have been supported overwhelmingly by the Belize City residents, so I bank of that personally - that work that I bring forward. I personally believe that as a politician if we know what is our job description and that is service to people and people just want a better way of life and I think Belize Rural Central has been neglected. It hasn't been shown the kind of love that is needed and people in this area deserve better and I think personally with my work ethics I definitely can be a difference and make a change."
"What everybody needs in Rural Central basically is a representative that has the people's will at heart. Forget politics, partisan - just somebody that wants to see better for the area."
Jules Vasquez
"When you first entered in politics, certainly the opposition criticized you saying that you are a barber, how will you know anything about running City Hall and now the same criticism can be made; the current representative is an attorney and a former area representative as well. How could you hope to offer yourself in the same running as Dolores Balderamos-Garcia?"
Dean Samuels, Councillor
"Jules, barber, drain man, street man, I think at the end of the day its simply about a person's heart and what they intend to do. It has been proven that lawyers, doctors - that does not make a politician. A politician I believe is someone who at least has the goodwill of people who elect them at heart."