16 days of activism to end gender violence starts officially on Monday. And the women's commission says you can show your support by wearing orange. Anne Marie Williams explains:..
Anne Marie Williams
"This year the Women's Commission has decided as part of its campaign to launch a public campaign whereby Belizeans from all walk of life can get involved in ending violence against women."
"The theme this year for 16 Days of Activism is "From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World, Challenging Violence Against Women." I think the theme is very apt because the Women's Commission has decided this year to join forces with the Unite Campaign which is the UN Secretary General's campaign. Ban ki Moon has decided that in 2009 he would have started and launched what is known as the Orange Day Campaign when people unite to end violence against women and girls."
"In keeping with that you would have seen, if you are a Digicell customer that on the 18th the telecommunications giant actually partnered with us to send out messages to ask Belizeans to wear orange on the 25th of every month as a symbolic gesture."
Geovanni Brackett, reporter
"Wearing a t-shirt or a color, what can that really achieved?"
Anne Marie Williams
"Violence is not only a physical thing, its also a psychological thing and when you grow up in a society where you find that it is easy for people to just slap somebody or hit somebody and think it is okay. When you wear something on your sleeve, so to speak, and you internalize it, it is easier for you to try to end it."
Monday the 25th is zero tolerance for violence against women and girls day.