One man who is keenly aware of the importance of proficiency in the written and spoken word is Michael Young. We've reported on him many times before: he's the brave young man who got into the youth apprenticeship programme and made good for himself, first getting a steady job with Belize Diesel Equipment Company and then learning how to read with the Restore Belize Literacy programme. That meant publicly admitting that he's an illiterate adult, which isn't easy.
But now, he's got something to boast about. Today he showed his midterm from first form night school at Gwen Liz. It's almost all "A's", and the lowest grade is an 85. The man who was brave enough to admit his literacy problem, is now proud enough to share that report with us. Today, he told us how it makes him feel:...
Jules Vasquez
"As I understand that through your academic career at one point the teachers have written you off and you've written them off. Now, how do you feel about grades like this? I mean you could learn."
Michael Young - Student - Gwen Liz Night School
"That on a whole is showing how I feel about grades like this. No one has ever seen my report card from when I was going to primary school, only my mom that means nothing up there is good - nothing worth showing. When the lowest you score is 85 you want the world to see your report card. You feel more than good. You made an accomplishment that only you could achieve. I mean everybody can do it, but for an individually, then it is only me can do it for myself, no one can do it for me and that just gives you an overwhelming feeling."
Young is also currently the employee of the month at Belize Diesel, where he's been employed since 2010.