It's New Year's Eve and tonight at the memorial park city residents will be taking in the fireworks at LOVE FM's New Year's countdown.
If the rain holds up, it should be a cool, clear evening and to make sure it is extra cool, security wise, the commander of operations for eastern division did a careful security sweep of the park this evening. He told Monica Bodden what they are looking for and what kind of presence they will be assuring tonight:..
Superintendent Edward Broaster
"Right now the police is conducting a sweep of the area to ensure that there is no weapon hidden in any part of the event zone, so that we can have a peaceful and wonderful new year's celebration at the Memorial Park tonight."
Monica Bodden
"Is this something that you guys do every year around this time?"
Superintendent Edward Broaster
"Yes, this is standard operating procedures that we do every year. We are out here right now and we are going to be clearing the empty lots with the dogs. We'll have the dogs go through the entire area in and around the park to ensure that there is no weapon hidden by anyone in this area."
Monica Bodden
"Have you guys found anything while doing such an operation leading up to new years' celebration?"
Superintendent Edward Broaster
"No we haven't."
Monica Bodden
"But you find it necessary to conduct every year?"
Superintendent Edward Broaster
"Yes, we are just taking the necessary precaution to ensure that the public have a safe and secure peaceful celebration."
Love FM's New Year's Countdown will start at 7 tonight at the Memorial Park.