After the meeting, we spoke to both Stewart Krohn and Hugh Darley to get a reaction from them.
Interestingly enough, both of them told 7News that it went exactly how they expected. Here's how they explained it to us:
Stewart Krohn - President, BTIA Placencia
"You were here just like I was; the opposition was virtually unanimous. Out of all the hundreds of people that were here only one person spoke up directly in favor of the project and he read from a script that was obviously written by somebody else. I think its clear, the people here and the people of the south realize that this project - nobody ask for it, nobody needs it - there is the new development at Stake Bank that just today was approved and endorse by the national Assembly - that is the way to go. It's clear, there is absolutely no need for this cruise port at Harvest Caye for a million different reasons that we've gone over many times before."
Daniel Ortiz
"Did you expect such a negative feedback from the public?"
Hugh Darley, Project Director - NCL harvest Caye
"Yes we did, we had a lot of information that was coming from the community leading us to believe that there are a lot of agendas and as with any agenda, you are going to have certain people that are going to express very vocally. In many realms that we worked in you got a liberal view and you have a very conservative view. Conservative people that support the project are very quiet people. People who are outspoken are generally in the opposition and that's what we heard tonight, so we need to address their concerns."
Daniel Ortiz
"I know one concern out in the public is that, you know we are doing this entire thing here but really and truly this project has already been green lighted; this entire EIA consultation was just a one other step, but it really play a role in this particular instance because it already has the green light."
Hugh Darley, Project Director - NCL harvest Caye
"We don't really see it as a green light. We still think there are a lot of hurdles."
Stewart Krohn - President, BTIA Placencia
"Technically you are right NIAC is made up of a majority of government members, there is great pressure on them to vote yes and even if through some miracle the NIAC voted against it, the cabinet/government could still over rule it, but I would simply ask those in power to pause for a minute."
The next step for the project is that National Environmental Appraisal Committee will have to meet to discuss it.