The Bench and Bar meet annually and this year's meeting was held today in a seminar where prominent Caribbean Jurists advised them on different areas in the practice of law. The Secretary of the Bar Association explained the agenda and its importance to us:
Aldo Reyes
"Today we have a law conference. It's a very long overdue initiative and the bar association has organized it and brought in some renown legal practitioners from Jamaica, Bahamas and the BVI. We have a committee that was brought together to select the topics and we try to select topics that are varied but also very pertinent to today's practice."
"The first topic is law, media and the technology. The second one is trials without juries. The third is the implication for free movement in CARICOM. The fourth is multijurisdictional litigation and the last one is extraditions."
"I believe is was not in this recent opening of the court, I think it was in the one before that the attorney general specifically mentioned that the judiciary ought to have continuing further legal education seminars and it was with this in mind that this conference was put together because we do concede that the law is dynamic, it continues to develop, it continues to grow and we need to be kept abreast of these developments."
"Media is now an aspect of today and it's something that attorneys continue to engage in such as Facebook, twitter, link in and this presentation was aimed at trying to guide attorneys to ensure that they don't fall foul of their duties to protect attorney/client privilege by using for example Facebook. You have some attorneys that goes on Facebook and link in and perhaps would put a post and they not realize that their post or their status might offend the code of conduct rules, so the social media is very pertinent now and whenever an attorney uses social media they must be aware of the code of conduct."
Today at meeting, the prominent and long-standing criminal attorney, Senior Counsel Simeon Sampson, was awarded the highest honor of distinction in the legal profession.