7 News Belize

Unions Not Happy with Hon. Faber
posted (February 4, 2014)
And as you might expect the teachers union is not too happy with the proposal. But it's not the proposal itself, it's the process of getting there - and what they say is a lack of consultation. The President explains:..

Luke Palacio, BNTU National President
"We are looking at the secondary schools finance reform right now that is affecting our teachers. Again, it's a done deal. We are called to a meeting and say this is what is going to happen in education. Where was the research done? Who was to do the research, was it the teachers or the ministry? Inviting the teachers to come and let us research this matter and then decide that this is the best remedy or the best way to address it."

The minister of education told us this evening that the finance reform was undertaken in 2010 in which the union's former president was intimately involved. He added that everything that is done, the joint staff relations council is a part of it and the union is represented on that.

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