It may not yet be visible on the ground, but the police department has made strides in the area of ballistics testing. They’ve obtained the latest testing technology called IBIS and retained a forensic ballistics consultant. A visiting expert says they are on the right track, and he’s here to provide fine tuning.  Pete Gagliardi played to a full house today at the Biltmore when he provided a one day workshop on the "13 Critical Tasks Workshop" of ballistics testing. He told us its about taking guns and shooters off the streets:
Pete Gagliardi - Author, "The 13 Critical Tasks"
"Much of the gun crime today is repetitive and retaliatory. It's usually committed by young people between the ages of 16 and 26. They shot their guns yesterday; they shoot them today, and they'll shoot them tomorrow. The faster we can identify them, arrest them, and take them off the street, we actually prevent more crimes from occurring in the future. There is critical evidence generated from inside a gun, and outside a gun that can help investigators identify and apprehend criminals more quickly before they have the opportunity to hurt and kill again. So, what I’ll be talking about all day are best practices to fully utilize this information, process it in a way that is efficient and effective, and that takes shooters off the street to protect the public. It takes competent people, very sound process, and innovative technology, all in balance like a 3 legged stool. If one leg's too short, or one leg's too tall, the stool falls over. The most important thing is the willingness to innovate. Belize has that willingness, to identify the things that they need to do better, and the things that they need to do more of."
The one day event was funded by the United States Central American Regional Security Initiative, known as CARSI.
Personnel from the police, coast guard and the DPP’s office attended.Â