This is David Wendel Thompson - with and without hair. He is the 48 year old US middle school teacher accused of trying to set up sexual rendezvous with 13 and 15 year old girls in Belize via Facebook. His school in Tampa Florida is currently on Spring Break - and it seems Thompson wanted to use his break to come to Belize - where he has visited 6 times since 2011.
But, information obtained by 7News shows that he may have been coming to Belize for more than just illicit pleasures - this marriage notice says that he's married to a Belize woman form Dangriga!
It says that David Wendel Thompson of Seffner, Florida, married 21 year old Claudine Crusita Montes of Dangriga Town. That arrangement makes his recent attempt to entice under age girls in Belize even more troubling.
He is being held pending federal charges of trying to entice minors to have sex with him. If convicted, he faces 10 years to life in prison.