And so, today, a former member of the Barrow Cabinet and two-term UDP representative was charged. Though the UDP has cut him off, and distanced him from the party, Penner hasn't done the same. He still appeared with a posse of red-shirt wearing UDP supporters today - and unless he crosses the floor or is recalled, he's still an elected UDP representative. So then how does Party Leader Dean Barrow feel about Penner being charged today? When we caught up with PM Barrow at the opening of the Inspiration Center, he was measured in his remarks:..
Jules Vasquez
"How do you feel about him being arraigned?"
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"Well the matter is before the courts, I won't comment. Justice will take its course."
Jules Vasquez
"However, just speaking in very general terms about a person who was elected under the UDP and who serve in the Cabinet under you, facing criminal charges. You would think on the objective circumstances it would bring shame."
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"Well it's very sad that it has come to this. But as I say so it is and let us just now wait on the results of the trial."
Jules Vaquez
"Is it something that you regret that he is being charged?"
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"Look, common humanity dictates that we don't rejoice to see anyone brought low. I will repeat that while I am saddened by the spectacle of a former minister of government being in the dock. What it is, is what it is and I will hold my tongue thereafter until we see what the results are."
Jules Vasquez
"Have you revised your opinion that he did or did not commit a criminal offence? You held very firmly at the outset that no criminal offence was committed."
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"No, what I said was that there is a huge difference between factual guilt and legal guilt and that in terms the evidence necessary to in fact prove legal guilt, I didn't think that it was available. It may well be that events will prove me wrong, again we simply have to wait and see how the course of the trial develops."
We'll have more from the opening of the Inspiration Center later on.