The development what's to be Lake I Boulevard has been making the news since last Friday because of the squatters who were in the way, but tonight, we report on it once again because the development has caused the contractors to block the river.
Tonight, we spoke with the Contractor, Francis Woods, who is the Director of Cisco Construction, and he told us that they started filling the river 1 and a half to 2 weeks ago. He tells us that it is important because they will have to operate heavy equipment in the area to drive piles into the ground for the bridge which will connected the boulevard to Belama's Chetumal Street.
When we asked him if there is going to be any long term environmental consequence of doing that, he told us that he doesn't have the documents in front of him to be able to say exactly, but he says that an EIA was done, which was properly vetted and signed off on by the DOE and NEAC. He says that the workers are following the recommendations of the Department of Environment to the letter to ensure that there is little impact on the environment in the area.
Woods tells us that the workers will repair the river area so that it will be better than before they altered it, and the break will be removed in the next 3 to 4 months. After that time, work on the bridge will commence, and expected to be completed by December.