In our newscast last night, 7News showed you the response from the Minister of Health Pablo Marin and CEO Peter Allen. They basically said that despite the objections from the Belize Pharmacists Association, they would move forward with keeping Danini Contreras, the New Director of the Drug Inspector, in her post.
As we've told you, the Association is opposed to the regularizing of her employment because she is unqualified for such an important job. Contreras has also come under particular scrutiny because of the perception that she only landed the job because she is the daughter of the Minister of Trade, Erwin Contreras.
Well, after seeing their Ministry's position in the news last night, the Pharmacists Association asked to make a response to CEO and the Minister. Here's how they explained that they aren't getting in the way of the Director for the sake of it:
Marisol Melhado, Vice President, Pharmacy Association of Belize
"It's very sad that both the CEO and the Minister of Health do have those types of sentiments about Ms. Contreras qualification and basically forgetting about your own people that you have had working for years that have certain qualifications and maybe better equip because they have those qualifications and the experience than a person who may have a Bachelor's degree but doesn't have the experience, not registered, doesn't have the specialize training in the field. We are no way trying to any process. We would love to see more inspectors but the fact that you went about creating a post that does not exist to someone that does not have the qualification just base on the fact of a Bachelor's degree, then you are not being transparent, you are not trying to work with us. We are true stakeholders in all this, in all practice of pharmacy. Why weren't we consulted? Okay, let's say we are an association, you won't speak to us first - seek consultation in your own ministry. What happen to the director of health services? What happened to the chief pharmacist? Why weren't these people consulted?"
Aaron Humes, reporter
"The other issue that I believe they raised is that the ministry offered for members of the association to take Ms. Contreras around, so to speak and show her the ropes. Tell us why the association turned down that proposal?"
Marisol Melhado, Vice President, Pharmacy Association of Belize
"Okay, let me put it as a scenario to you. I just came on board, I don't know what is it that you are doing or what it is that your position is, but I came as your boss or as someone that can really direct you here or there or can inspect you and I am getting paid 8 brackets more than you, but yet you are told you need to accompany me and tell me if I am doing a good job or not. How would you feel?"
There is talk among the Association to make a bolder stance than simply just denouncing the Ministry's decision to allow Contreras to keep the job.