That opportunity to speak with Valentin Makin and the other Alcalde came after they had a sit-down meeting with the Prime Minister today at Old Belize. Those who attended reported to us that the meeting with the Prime Minister went well, and they had a productive discussion on many issues facing the communities of the south.
Another topic that they wished to earnestly discuss was that Greg Ch'oc has reportedly been misleading the public when he suggested that he represented Mayan Communities and their best interests. Here's how they explained why:
Joaquin Cucul - Resident, Conejo
"Since Satiim was organized about 19 years ago nothing has been done in the village of Conejo. The village of Conejo is separated right now, so will he stand up and say that he is fighting for the Maya people. He is not fighting for us the Maya people; he is fighting for his own self."
Dr. Joseph Palacio - Chairman, Barranco Village
"Satiim has taken on a fight and giving the impression that they are the voice of the Maya in Toledo when actually just to give you a little bit of information, Satiim was started some years ago to protect the Sarstoon/Temash National Park. Now there are 2 indigenous peoples that are supposed to involve in managing the park; the Maya as well as the Garifuna. Now it certainly is
a fact that over the years more and more the Garifuna has been side track in the whole issue of the management of the park. More particularly within the past few weeks Satiim under Greg Ch'oc has been making statements without consulting the people in Barranco, so to a large extent we are saying that we have been left out which is a pity because if it wasn't for us the two peoples, Satiim wouldn't have started any at all."
Alejandro Tush - 2nd Alcalde, Sunday Wood Village
"They tell us that we want the communal land but we in the village in Sunday Wood, we don't support the communal land, we want the lease land."
Daniel Ortiz
"So, your fight in Sunday Wood is not for communal land, you want lease land for each individual?"
Alejandro Tush - 2nd Alcalde, Sunday Wood Village
"Yes, that's what the village wants because we don't want the communal land because we don't support that. That's why they reject our village."
Today, we spoke with Greg Ch'oc about that opposition to him being the voice of the Mayan Communities, and here's how he responded to his critics:
Greg Ch'oc, Executive Director of SATIIM
"I carry out my work base on the resolution of the community and our estimate of those who sign the resolution gives us a 75% majority support of the decision taken in those resolutions and I have consistently consulted with those communities. One of the reasons why no releases have been issued in response to the Prime Minister's position or the comment he made with respect to
waiving US Capital permit is precisely because it is not Satiim that will issue the position, it is the community and I have said to the press who have called me that I can't issue a statement until the community have adequately arrive at a consensus among themselves before a decision and communication to the larger public is made."
Choq added that, quote, US capital is making the communities believe I am a powerful man … All I do is stand with the majority and follow Maya customary laws processes which unlike western systems allow for the community to retain power.