Yesterday the headquarters for the Sugar Industry Research and Development Institute near the village of Buena Vista in the Corozal District was opened. It's called Sirdi and it was financed by the European Union and the Sugar Industry Control Board at a cost of 655 thousand dollars. Located at mile 66, the building Institute will assist farmers with knowledge on best planting practices. Here's how it will work:..
Paola Amadei, European Ambassador
"This new location will allow SIRDI to address the technological production and quality requirement of producer, manufacturer and association by promoting and supporting research and development in sugarcane production."
Alfredo Ortega, Chairman BSCFA Committee of Management
"This SIRDI building will really beneficial for the farmers in regards to technical assistance, technical support to the farmers and also in regards to new varieties which will give that opportunity to farmers to have pure varieties in their cane field."
Hon. Gaspar Vega
"In the past cane farmers just use to plant cane for planting cane, now they will be able to be guided by professionals - people with the proper techniques, people that will be able to tell you this type of cane grows well in this type of soil."
Marcos Osorio, Director of SIRDI
"If we do a good land preparation we get quality cane seed and we implement the right technologies we will achieve those objectives which is higher productivity and increasing the tons per acre average of the industry."
Hon. Gaspar Vega
"What we are preparing ourselves for is for the 2017 challenges that are coming where we won't have that guarantee market with the EU that we have always been able to enjoy in the past."
SIRDI is opened now.