2 months ago, we told you about the controversial Stephen Okeke and his artistic project to create a monument for Thomas Vincent Ramos, the cultural icon and founder of Garifuna Settlement Day in Belize.
Everything was going according to plan, but as with so many of his works, no one contracted him to create this monument – it’s kind of a dead raise: he builds it, and hopes funders will appear. At the time of its launch we publicly speculated that it would go badly – and – though we hate to be right on this one – it has gone awry, one more Okeke project ending in sadness and madness.
He told us that the TV Ramos monument was endorsed the Mayor of Dangriga Town to be placed in a public space there for the community to appreciate. But for the past few weeks, it’s been sitting in front of his business place on the Northern Highway with a for sale sign.
We stopped in and asked him about it, and here’s what he said to say:
Initially the monument was valued at $40,000, but he told us today that he’ll accept all offers from persons interested in purchasing it.