Yesterday we told you about the accident that killed well-known Customs Guard Frank "Mango" Robinson. As we told you, Robinson was driving an Isuzu D-Max pickup at the end of Lord's Ridge Cemetery when he made a sudden left turn. The 10 wheel dump-truck that was coming behind him, was driven by 48 year old Martin Burke -and he has been served with a notice of intended prosecution. Burke says there's nothing he could do because Robinson turned suddenly, and he couldn't pull to the shoulder because pedestrians were standing there.
Robinson suffered major injuries, and was crushed inside the truck. He died shortly after rescue teams managed to remove him, which took about half an hour.
But, while a major part of the narrative has been that Robinson was distracted or was on the phone when he made an unexpected turn, his passenger in the back seat had a completely different perspective. He explains how he saw the accident:..
Voice of: Edison Peneda, passenger
"The truck that hit us was coming from a good distance, so when Frank turn out, I don't know if the driver who was coming got nervous or something, but he turned right into us. You see how he is over on our side, we were already across the road and he turned into us. Frank wasn't on a phone, the guys is talking foolishness, I don't know if he is trying to cover himself or something, but he is the one who is in the fault the most."
"We were coming out from the junction at "Gungulun" and when we were attempting to go across the road, but the speed that the driver was coming, he did not apply brakes because if he has slowed down we wouldn't get that impact that kind of way, but the driver looks like he got nervous and lost and he turned right into us, Now he got on the news and talking foolishness like he knows, but he doesn't know what he is saying because he was nervous. I could have seen it because I told Frank that this fool is running into us now, that was the last thing I told Frank and he said "Pena" I could beat him and now he is dead right away because when I held him he fell right into my hands. I know that he die and Kamera was breathing, but knocked out. I walk out of the vehicle because I didn't know what was happening, I was kind of lost too because I went black out as well."
The other passenger, Kamera Brown is still hospitalized and in an induced coma. She has a bone fracture, slight bleeding on her brain and whiplash. She was in the front seat.