Last night, we introduced you the Champion of the 2014 Bodybuilding and Body Fitness strongman competition, Victor Valencia. But, the unusual competition is about more than who won - it's about all the crazy stuff these strongmen had to do! Tonight, we take a closer look at the competition:
Daniel Ortiz reporting
Emir Perez of the Muscle Hut Fitness Club in Belmopan scored 19 pts to win the $350 third prize, won the third event, the clean and press with a 125lbs, doing 30 repetitions in 90 seconds.
Emir Perez
"This is my first time competing in training for like a year and a half now. It's been an amazing experience."
Valencia was second with 29 repetitions, while Theo Gentle was third with 25 reps and Gallardo finished fourth with 22 reps.
Valencia and Perez tied for first place in the fourth event, the dead lift, Perez lifting 455lbs, and Valencia matching him but neither was able to lift the next weight at 475lbs. In the tie breaker using a 300lbs weight; Valencia lifted 9 reps in 30 seconds; while Perez only managed 6 reps in 30 seconds. Gallardo was 3rd and Theo Gentle - 4th.
Victor won the 5th event of loading 4 logs across the lot in 53.2 seconds while Gallardo was 2nd in 54.44 seconds, Perez - 3rd in 56.14 seconds and Theo Gentle was 4th in 1 minute 8.58 seconds.
Theo Gentle, who won 2 previous strongman contests in 2008 and 2010 scored 21 points to win the $400 second prize. He was the king of shoulder strength, winning the 7th event of lifting a 65lb dumb-bell 50 times over his shoulder in 90 seconds. Valencia was second with 36 repetitions, while Gallardo was third with 22 reps and Perez was fourth with only 15 reps in the time.
Theo Gentle
"I competed in 4 Mr. Strongman and won two 2nd place and two 1st place. Its a family sport, I bring out the kids to enjoy the day."
Gentle had also won the 6th event, the Hercules hold of holding 30lb dumbbell in each hand with the arms full outstretched horizontally level with the shoulder; a test of their tolerance of pain. Gentle held them up for 49 seconds, while Valencia was second holding them up for 22.28 seconds, and Perez third, maintaining the hold for 11.53 seconds. Gallardo was fourth in 5.58 seconds.
Gentle had also won the first event, the bench press, lifting 275 lbs five times in 30 seconds, while Valencia placed second lifting 225lbs four times in 30 seconds. Perez and Gallardo tied for third place, Perez pressing 375lbs only once and failing on the second try, while Gallardo pressed 325lbs once.
Valencia also flipped the 450lb tire across the length of the parking lot in 51.72 seconds, while Gallardo was second in 55.26 seconds edging out Perez who did it in 55.82 seconds. Gentle was fourth in 58.28 seconds.
The four strong men now came to the main attraction and final event to pull a 4x4 Ford F-350 pickup loaded with four logs across the length of the parking lot! Valencia got down to a hands and foot crawl to pull the SUV the distance in 45.25 seconds, while Gentle was second in 55.2 seconds and Gallardo was third in a minute and 16.53 seconds.
Valencia had also won the second event by lifting 425lbs from a squat, while Perez was second squatting 405lbs, and Gallardo was third squatting 365lbs and Gentle was fourth squatting 315lbs.
Victor Valencia
"Today was an excited show. I am really excited about the show, do the bench press, the dead lift, the squats, the SUV pull, the tire flip - the event was awesome."
Allan Gallardo, also of Muscle Hut, finished 4th overall with 18 pts.
Victor Valencia was the defending champion, and this year, he won 5 of 9 to take home the $600 dollar first prize.