Earlier you heard the Prime Minister defend the CEO in the Minsitry of Health. Well, today at his press conference, the Prime Minister also defended another controversial employee in the Ministry of Health Danini Contreras. The Belize Pharmacist Association has objected ot her being hired as the director of the drug inspectorate because she has no experience. The PM clearly thinks experience is over-rated:
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister of Belize
"Other issues having to do with the Belize Pharmacist Association, again, I will not make light of their concerns. I believe that Ms. Contreras, who is Minister Contreras' daughter, has a degree, is qualified. They say that she doesn't have experience. Well, I don't know how you get experience, except by in fact working. What qualifies you to work is the acquisition of these degrees, these papers, these certifications. I understand that I will never get the Pharmacists Association to agree with us. I am afraid, respectfully, then, we will have to continue with the difference of opinion there."