7 News Belize

Only Attorneys from Farmers And Green Tropics Now In Communication
posted (June 23, 2014)
Andrew Marshalleck is also the attorney representing those 30+ farmers from Valley of Peace who are seeking compensation from Green Tropics for the destruction to their crops. As we told you last week, the dispute wasn't making any measurable progress, and last week, the farmers told the representatives from Government and Green Tropics that all future discussion must be held with their attorney.

We asked Marshalleck about the current state of affairs, and he said that there is an offer on the table that his clients might not agree to:

Hon. Julius Espat, Area Representative - Cayo South
"In Green Tropics, we are the negotiation level right now. Attorneys for the farmers and attorneys for the company are sharing information; we are trying to see what is the best deal possible for the farmers in our point of view. That where we are right now."

Andrew Marshalleck
"We received a communication from the attorneys for Green Tropics - they've outlaid a proposal. I've indicated to them that I don't think that the proposal would meet the agreement of my clients and I have urged them to reconsider it even before I take it there. I don't want to take it there to say no."

Mike Rudon, Ch5
"Now the clients have received an eviction notice, they are supposed to be out by July 5th. Is that still in effect?"

Andrew Marshalleck
"It's only words on paper."

Hon. Julius Espat
"In my opinion you cannot evict somebody that owns the land."

Andrew Marshalleck
"It's only words in a letter, it doesn't means very much in and of itself. What is important is that we approach the issue from a perspective of being fair to everybody involved and by that we mean both to Green Tropics those farmers who have been there. We are trying to understand what the complaints are from both sides and to come up with something that satisfies as far as possible both sets of concerns. We've received the structure of a proposal from Green Tropics which I think works as a practical matter. The trouble is the amounts and the quantum in it to give that structure some teeth."

"Is it safe to say that your clients won't move out from the land?"

Andrew Marshalleck
"I don't think they will be going anywhere, but you can ask them."

Hon. Julius Espat
"They definitely will not be going anywhere. There is misconception out there about when you use the word squatting. These people have been on this land for over 25 years. They have been definitely there for over 12 years and under the laws once you do that and you are not taken out it is yours under the laws of Belize, so we are just trying to follow the law and everybody has a right."

Four months have now past since the farmers' crops were destroyed by the company's pesticide spraying.

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