Among those officers who got promoted today was Miguel Segura. He’s been moved up from the rank of Assistance Commissioner of Police to Deputy Commissioner of Police. It’s an important promotion for Segura, who has been running Eastern Division past 18 months. It is widely accepted as one of the most difficult jurisdictions to police because of the Belize City Gang landscape.
Today, we asked him and his boss, Commissioner Whylie, about his qualifications for Deputy Commissioner of Police. We also met his colleague Alden Dawson who gave us a reaction to his own promotion:
Miguel Segura - Deputy Commissioner of Police
"With 28 years into this business, is commitment. Basically the rank of a deputy is to assist the commissioner, the terms of references is to assist in the policing plan, the direction for where the department wants to go, and in times act in his absence and also other task that may be given time to time, but it is in support of the office of the commissioner."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir is it any different from the management aspects of O.C.E.D. in many ways, we know that Eastern Division is one of the toughest police jurisdictions to police"
Miguel Segura - Deputy Commissioner of Police
"Indeed, I will more or less have a national perspective now instead of when I was O.C.E.D, I had the Belize judicial district under my command, now I have to look at the whole national policing aspect, so the commitment and the challenges is to look at from a holistic national approach."
Daniel Ortiz
"What's the reasons for elevating him to deputy commissioner at this time."
Allen Whylie – Commissioner of Police
"Well Mrs. Segura not only he did a phenomenal job as the officer commanding Eastern Police Division, which is the most difficult position or post to hold within the department operationally. While he is also the most senior of all the assistant commission of police, so he was worthy of and deserving of and he has been promoted. "
Alden Dawson - OC, Police Precinct 1
"My new rank is now Senior Superintendent of the Police Department."
Daniel Ortiz
"Now sir, being promoted to Senior Superintendent, what is the responsibility like as a new ranked officer, does it change in anyway, any at all for your position the police Precinct 1."
Alden Dawson - OC, Police Precinct 1
"For me, it's just harder work, continue to work, and work harder."
Daniel Ortiz
"Could you describe for us what Senior Superintendent represents."
Alden Dawson - OC, Police Precinct 1
"Senior Superintendent is the rank after Superintendent and after the Senior Superintendent there are two more ranks to the commissioners position, which is Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner."
The Last deputy commissioner before Segura was Elodio Aragon, who vacated the post and left the police department on great terms to become a politician.