Belmopan Police have confirmed that a government vehicle assigned to the Department of the Environment was stolen from its parking space in the market square this morning. It’s the second government vehicle to have been stolen from in front of its office in 8 days.
The market square is one of busiest places in Belmopan, but that didn’t stop the thief who also struck in broad daylight. The vehicle, a brown 2008 Toyota Hilux pickup, was used by DOE personnel a half hour before its theft. The last authorized driver parked the vehicle in front of the office, and when DOE employees checked back on the vehicle, they found out that it was gone!
The license plate number is BMP B-0108, and anyone who has information on it whereabouts is asked to contacted the nearest police.
Belmopan police are still looking for Mayor Simeon Lopez’s municipal government vehicle, which was stolen last week Tuesday.