All this week we've been reporting on the crackdown on quality of life crimes. This has resulted in scores of arrests for minor offences such as bikes without bells or lights. The effect has been a rush on these items at the few stores which still sell bells and lights. To keep up with demand, bike storeowners have had to dig up old stock - since no one has been buying these items for decades - including our intern Robin Schaffer who went bell-hunting today.
Robin Schaffer Reporting
Since the quality of life crackdown bicycle riders in Belize City have been under pressure to bell their bikes. I've got none on this one, and I don't know the first thing about bells, so I'm going to find out.
Edmund Quan, Owner - Quan's Trading Company
"In the past we practically weren't selling one bell per day, but all of a sudden about 100-200 a day."
I've come here to Quan's Store where they've mounted a special display and they are running out of bells!
Edmund Quan, Owner - Quan's Trading Company
"We have couple designs that have already been sold out because we weren't prepared on the overnight crack down on bicycle lights and bell, so we are running low on stock."
Quan explained that there are all kinds of bells - for all prices:
Edmund Quan, Owner - Quan's Trading Company
"We have the one that rings and the one that just ting, like one hit. The cheapest one we had was $2.95, but that's sold already. The one we have now is $3.50 and $4.50 - two kinds."
I picked the bell for $4.50 which they promptly installed. And so now, I've got mine which makes me lord of the ring.
Robin! You forgot the light! Don't worry, if she isn't arrested tonight, we'll get that light for Robin next week.
Quan says his stock of bells will finish soon, and there will probably be a bell shortage, since only a few stores sell bells.