There was a vicious chopping followed by a police shooting in the remote San Vicente Village, Toledo District on Saturday night. The first victim was a Mayan descent male 46-year-old Petrolino Lorenzo Ramirez of the border village of Santa Cruz, Guatemala. He had multiple chop wounds and was taken to the Hospital. Police went looking for the suspect - who they found holding a machete.
Police say they told him to drop it, but instead he raised the blade in the air and attempted to throw the machete towards the Police Officer. The police officer shot him with rubber bullets but he was undeterred. The Police Officer then pulled his gun and fired one shot hitting him in the right upper leg. He was then disarmed and transported to the Punta Gorda Hospital where his name was learned to be Pablo Escobar, an 18year old Belizean of San Vicente Village.
And apart from being the scene of the shooting of Pablo Escobar, on Sunday night, San Vicente welcomed an unexpected guest: a BDF soldier who had gotten lost. The BDF today confirmed that the soldier was in a group of 6 when he fell back to get water from a creek, but failed to tell the patrol. When he finished they were gone, and he headed back to the came, but missed it by a few hundred yards and ended up spending the night in San Vicente. The BDF believed he was lost in the deep and dangerous south, until he turned up at 9:30 this morning.