In our last segment, we showed you how the BML workers went from being charged to being free and clear, with a promise of being employed and paid until the life of sanitation contract with their employers expires next year. There is a plan in the works to get them assimilated into the City Council when that happens.
But, their attorney says that they deserve one more thing, an apology from the Mayor, and the Police Personnel which authorized them to be charged. She explained the logic for that demand to us today:
Audrey Matura-Shepherd - Attorney
"You can never give them back what they lost those two and a half days. You can never give them back the humiliation they went through. You can never undo that and I think that minimum the mayor owes them an apology and even the police department, the senior person. I will say upfront I was at the police station with them from 10:30 that morning up to 8:30 in the night and I will tell you I have to commend the police officers who were on the ground in that precinct helping. They were very limited with resources, but they really tried their best to be polite and nice and accommodate as best as possible. We understand the limitations they had. From that end the workers realized that those people really tried to facilitate them and many of the officers were saying we don't even why they have these people here because this is really a waste, but they have to follow instructions, so from that end you could never compensate them or give them back for that damage they went through especially those who were ill and those whose family suffered as a result because yes 41 were locked up, but that's 41 families that suffered and many of them were children of single mothers."
As you heard, the officers reportedly tried their best to make the lockdown and process of charging the 41 employees as painless as possible.