29 year old Indira Mejia, an Orange Walk Resident, was charged with abetment to commit murder when she appeared today before the Chief Magistrate, Anne Marie Smith. The police say that she put out a hit out on her Common-Law husband, and this afternoon, she barely escaped Prison for it.
As we told you, it happened on last week Wednesday Afternoon at around 1:45. Fisherman Brian Clare was driving a pickup on Partridge Street when two men on bicycles pulled up and fired several shots at him. Clare seemed to have been prepared though; he took out his licensed gun and fired two shots back at them. The two men escaped unharmed - one of them leaving their bicycle behind. Clare was shot to the right arm.
Based on their information, they charged his common-law Indira Mejia, and she was arraigned before the Chief Magistrate for abetment to murder. Due to the nature of the offences, bail is rarely given, but her attorney, Kathleen Lewis convinced the Chief Magistrate that she deserved it because she has no criminal record, that it is only an allegation, and that she is the mother of a 1 month-old baby.
Her attorney stressed that she is innocent of the crimes she's accused of, and today we challenged the officers from Precinct 2 on that. Here's what they said:
Sgt. Roberto Novelo, C.I.B., Precinct 2, Belize City Police
"So far police have arrested a guy, Ignatius Williams, 20 years of age. He has been charged for attempted murder, use of deadly means and grievous hard upon Mr. Brian Clare and also Ms. Indira Mejia has been charged for abetment to commit murder."
"Sir, are you able to disclose on what basis the common-law-wife is being charged? How did you guys find out, was it a hit?"
Sgt. Roberto Novelo, C.I.B., Precinct 2, Belize City Police
"Our investigations reveal that Miss Indira Mejia planned to kill her common-law-husband. It appears that Miss Mejia wants to get rid of her common-law-husband for his property."
"Sir, have you been able to establish that exactly because when we had spoken with her, she had said that there was already some documentation to show that all that would be left if anything happened to him, in the hands of his children, his other relatives but not her."
Sgt. Roberto Novelo
"Not necessarily. Based on our investigations so far, that is what the investigation reveals. She is the one who lured Mr. Brian Clare to that location where he was shot."
"According to her she doesn't even know this young man that you charged with attempted murder. The first time she met him was in the police station, she told me this morning."
Sgt. Roberto Novelo
"As with any other case the suspects will have an alibi."
"But you are sure that your case against her iron clad and you will prevail when the matter goes to trial?"
Sgt. Roberto Novelo
"Sure, the court will decide."