Last week we reported on two vigils for peace in the wake of Chryslin Gladden's murder. And now, the church community is organizing a Solidarity Prayer March this Sunday. It is called the "Christ or Crisis" healing movement for Belizeans. Youth Director for House of Refuge Ministry, Frederick Gordon Jr. made the pitch for your participation:..
Frederick Gordon Jr., Youth Director - House of Refuge Ministry
"It's basically directly from the holy spirit what it laid upon our hearts as believers in the body of Christ because a lot of times people tend to forget that to fear the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and a lot of people focus on wanting the government or wanting other aspects of society - what happen to the spiritual part of it? What happen to talking to God directly? The bible talks about prayer without see sin. I am asking the Belizean people to come together with one mind and one purpose."
"We have a lot of people that are hurting in the country. A lot of people need healing. We have a lot of people that are mainly dysfunctional, disoriented for some part because of something that have face in their life in society that - whether it be anger because we have a lot of hatred in society."
The Solidarity March begins at 6:00 pm on Sunday at Central American Boulevard and ends at the UNO gas station.