We often report on police harassment in our newscast and usually the victims giving the stories never get justice. But tonight one mother says she has had enough with officers harassing her sons and she is going to take the issue on legally. According to the woman, her 19 year old son Shakedi Baizar was charged 3 weeks ago for a small amount of weed that was found on him at their 8mile home. He was released on bail and was given community service by the magistrate. A week later, police visited the residence once again for a search. They found nothing, but detained Baziar for a tattoo on his arm that read GAZA - a reference, ostensibly. to the George street gang - bot the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. The 19 year old was charged with the offence of displaying gang membership and was released on bail. But due to the fact that he was under police custody and could not show up to his community service obligations, a bench warrant was sent out for him and Baizar was arrested and sent to the Hattieville prison.
Voice of: Mother of Baizar
"The other day about 3 weeks ago the police gang unit went by my house. They found him with a little bit of weed and they took him and they charge him. I don't have any problem with the police doing their job. My problem is that when they go to my house to search they beat up my children and I am tired of that. So they come back the following week and they look for something to charge him with."
Monica Bodden
"This is your 19 year old son?"
Voice of: Mother of Baizar
"The 19 year old son; they went and they took him because he had a tattoo on him that says "GAZA" on his hand, but this tattoo was way up above his arm and he was getting ready to go to work because he do community service at the magistrate's court and he was getting ready to go to work. At the same time the K-9 came with a lot of dogs in the house and they took him for the markings he had on him and charged him."
Monica Bodden
"They charge him for what?"
Voice of: Mother of Baizar
"They charge him for displaying a gang sign. I don't see how that will be displayed? You will display a sign in your own house. Now today I was at the court dealing with a situation when my son call me and tell me that the police just finish beating them. He said they ran inside of the house and stomp him off the chair and on the floor and then just come out of the house and gone. I mean, I am getting tired of this now because I think they are overdoing, they are taking advantage of my children and they wait until I turned my back to go in my house. It look like somebody up there is calling them and tell them that when I left home because this morning is as I left home I reach Belize and went out at the court when my son call me tell me that the police just left from my house. They ran in there and beat up my son and stomp him off the chair and went about their business. My son has a back problem from the first time the police had beaten my son. I need this to stop and want the public out there to know what the police are doing to the people out here - at least to my children. I get tired of it, I can't take this anymore and I will take this further - this is not done here because I am not satisfied."
Our records show that Shakedi Baizar was shot multiple times in December 2012.