The Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management, it's better known as SATIIM, and its well-known leader Greg Ch'oc has helped to make the NGO a household name.
But Ch'oc, who's been its leader for almost 2 decades, announced today that he's stepping aside for personal reasons. He's going away to study law at the University of the West Indies Cavehill Campus in Barbados. News emerged in August of last year, that he had made the decision, but when we asked him about it, he said that while he had plans to do so, the timing wasn't right.
Well, it seems it is now, and today at a press conference in Punta Gorda Town, he announced that he's stepping aside:
Greg Ch'oc, former Executive Director - SATIIM
"Effective today I step down as the executive director of the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management. I have done so with the support of my family, my staff, the board and the community that has stood behind us."
He's going to be replaced by a new executive director, Froyla Tzalam. She's been active within the Mayan communities for several years. She's also been a coordinator for the Maya Leaders Alliance, and she's held the post of Director at NICH's Institute of Social Research. We must note that she is also Ch'oc's sister in law.
And while Tzalam has the right connections, and an impressive resume which includes a master's degree, is she the right fit for the leadership of SATIIM? That's what we asked, given that she is replacing Ch'oc, who has a formidable reputation nationally and among his peers in Civil Society. Here's what she said:
Froyla Tzalam, New Director - SATIIM
"I think one of SATIIMs biggest success is that through Greg it has built alliances with other NGOs within Belize and internationally and so that work must continue. Whether we will do it in the same format, obviously we are two different individuals and so our styles might be slightly different, but our goals and our aim are the same."