It's the end of a long summer and classes resume on Monday. While students are recovering from the summer hang over, their parents have more pressing issues to address such as the financial strain they endure as they prepare their children for another school year. Where will the money come from? How are they managing with all the expenses? Courtney Weatherburne found out from a few parents earlier this week:..
Courtney Weatherburne reporting
Nancy Ulloa is here at A&R purchasing the few items left on her list of back to school expenses for her only son attending All Saints Primary School. She says her son is pretty much set for school on Monday but although she is fortunate to have only one child to cater to, it is still a substantial cost to bear.
Nancy Ulloa, Parent
"It's very costly for one kid because then I tried to get at least 3 uniforms for him - that's an expense by itself, you need to get boxers, undershirts, socks, tennis - all kinds of stuff. It is probably like I could say the least like $500. I have other friends that have like 5-6 kids and it's really difficult for them. As a matter of fact I have a friend right now that he doesn't even have uniforms for the kids, he can't pay the tuition fees and it's very expensive for them, so like I said for me I am fortunate I only have one kid."
We got similar responses from other parents at A&R who are managing the expenses.
Jeannie Sedassey, Parent
"I only have two girls going to school. They will be going to St. John's Vianney and it's not too hard because I have the help from their father. It's still a lot of money like $600."
Shana Williams, Parent
"It's okay, the dad helped."
Courtney Weatherburne
"In terms of the budget how much would you say you spend buying all these supplies for your child?"
Shana Williams, Parent
"Not a $30."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Since it's only one child right?"
Shana Williams, Parent
"Yes ma'am."
Most parents shop at A&R, Stationary House and Angelus Press for school supplies but we also found parents looking for Deals at Simon Quan.
Bernadette Armstrong, Parent
"I have two kids and how I do it every year I take one week at a time; like one week I buy certain stuff, like every pay day I buy certain stuff, so when school opens I am set. With uniforms and everything it's like roughly $500 between the two of them."
While parents seem to be handling the expenses relatively well at A&R and Simon Quan, the expenses are times 7 for Tanya Aldana leaving her with a budget of over $1,000. She shared her experience so far shopping for her kids at Angelus Press and the sacrifice she must make for the benefit of her children.
Tanya Aldana
"It's very stressful because to get them into high school is the big problem and to get their uniforms, their books, registration and everything its very expensive."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So how are you so far?Do you have everything for all your 7 kids? How is it so far?"
Tanya Aldana
"I haven't got everything yet, but I am getting there. I came to buy half the things for my child in primary school and I already get stuff for the two in high school, so I am halfway."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Do you think that you will be able to get all thier supplies for Monday? "
Tanya Aldana
"No, I won't be able to get all. We have to try for them because they need their education, so you have to try. You can't say that they will not be going to school. You have to try make every effort to send them to school."
There are just a few days left before the big day on Monday and soon the children will be sporting their newly pressed uniforms, shoes and school bags but what they must not forget is the sacrifice that parents make to ensure that the youths are prepared for school.