Last night you saw our interview with Amir Zriba – an ad hoc spokesperson for the Arab Community in Belize. He decided to speak out because some of his fellow Arabs are being randomly labeled as Hezbollah in Belize. He says it's unfair and untrue, and has caused them to face visa cancellations and police harassment. But, while the broad brush labeling may be unfair, there is definitely something up with members of the Lebanese community. We asked him about it:
Jules Vazques
"From 2012, you had 3 Lebanese murdered in Belize. Extremely famous murders are executions in broad daylight. Obviously 3 out of a community of maybe a few hundred is a big percentage. So something is happening in this Lebanese family, in this Lebanese community in Belize."
Amir Zriba
"Okay Jules, I'm going to be honest with you. What happened, has nothing to do with Hezbollah, we have been accused of being with Hezbollah for 2, 3 years. Yes they might be some of us who do bad business or bad relation or maybe infamous with other things, but nothing to do with Hezbollah. What ever happened at that time, there is involvement only Belize knows exactly what happened and I tell you Jules, it is something very sad for the community, it was 3 at one time. One happen, then I look at Schackron, but some people saying different story, even Belize doesn't know the truth."
Jules Vaquez
"There are a few, in the past particularly have been engaged in hustle activities."
Amir Zriba
"Jules, I have nothing against that. What happen here if you bad person, listen we are not giving you visit because you did this, shut your mouth. But not because I'm hanging with you Jules or because somebody say, because I know the majority here. I didn't say everybody's perfect but to be terrorist in Hezbollah, we have no involvement with it. Maybe business, money making, I understand that part, yes there is some of them involved in different things but if you come to me 100 percent and get information, oh Jules tell me, I don't want Jules tell me, do your investigation."
Zriba says that the Arab Community itneds to sue those new outlets in Belize and Mexico who have spread recent stories about a Hezbollah Cell in Belize. Who are Hezbollah? According to the BBC "Hezbollah - or the Party of God - is a powerful political and military organisation in Lebanon made up mainly of Shia Muslims."