Less than a month ago, we told you about a Toyota Hilux that had been stolen from The Ministry of Health in Belmopan - the third truck theft from that Ministry in two years. And now, incredibly, another was stolen this weekend.
Apparently the driver parked the white 2008 Hilux truck in the Ministry of Health compound on Tuesday night at 9 and when the driver arrived at work this morning at about 6:30 the vehicle was gone. The CEO of the Ministry, Dr. Peter Allen told us via text, quote "We are incredibly frustrated. We have requests at finance to improve security with cameras and GPS and other such things but funds would need to be authorized." As early as last month, one of 11 2014 Hilux vehicles assigned to the Vector Control Unit was stolen as well. Police are investigating.
Of the now four vehicles stolen from the ministry in two years, only one has been recovered. That was with a concerted media effort - including the circulation of pictures of the stolen truck, which no one at the Ministry has bothered to do this time, because, form all that we can tell, no one really can be bothered to do so.