And while we had Fonseca this morning, we also asked him about his views on crime and government's decision - in the face of so much controversy - to bolster the numbers of the officers in the Gang Suppression Unit. Fonseca says he supports getting tough on crime, but not doing it with the GSU:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Gang violence is a serious problem. Crime and violence obviously is ravaging our society particularly south side of Belize City, so we consider that a very serious matter and as I have always said to Mr. Barrow both publicly and privately when we meet the People's Unity Party is here to support this work of the government in fighting crime, but we have to review the functions and performance and role of the GSU as it presently exist and I believe we need to replace it with another security force which can begin anew and regain the confidence and trust of the Belizean people."
And this evening on 7News, Fonseca surely got some good news when he heard that Arthur Saldivar would, quote "not be doing anything to harm his party."
And so now the PUP won't be going through trials and tribulations - but, you never know. While Saldivar was contrite and emotional today, he could be back truculent and belligerent tomorrow. We spoke to his party leader this morning - before the Saldivar reversal - about the what if's: what if he runs independent, and what if he challenges the party executive. Here's what Fonseca had to say:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Anybody who is removed will not be happy with the leader. That's taken for granted and so I have no comment on that, we that we believe is in the best interest of the People's United Party."
Jules Vasquez
"He wants to challenge at the national convention. It may be a little talk, but it is a fundamental principle that he feels that all posts are open for challenge at the national convention. We all know a resolution was passed making it not so. How do you view that?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"I don't view it in any way. He is free to say what he wants to do and the national executive of the People's United Party has made a decision and we stand by that decision, so there is no question of any challenge to the leadership of the party."
Jules Vasquez
"However theoretically, the George Price idea is that anybody can lead the PUP. That's how it was originally set up, so he is anybody."
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Yes and I am saying to you that he can say what he wants and he can desire to do what he wants, but the national executive of the party as Mr. Price always also said when the party speaks and the party make a decision, we must all support that decision and abide by that decision. That is the position of the People's United Party in 2014."
Jules Vasquez
"Is that a subject of concern for you that he says he will run independently?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"Not at all. I believe that the supporters of the People's United Party and others in Belize Rural North will at the end of the day support the People's United Party and we will present to them a very credible candidate who we believe will be able to win over their support."
"Is there anybody yet that the party is thinking of?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"No, we have just started that process of as I said at the last press briefing the chairman of the party is going into Belize Rural North. He will meet with the existing committee and we will determine how best we move forward and as I said our objective is to have that candidate in place by the end of 2014."
Jules Vasquez
"Might Richard Dickie Bradley be someone waiting in the wings? He is a very visible personality in the PUP."
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"No, I have not heard that at all."
And Fonseca was also challenged today to release the report that the party prepared on Saldivar. As we told you a team led by the chairman was sent to investigate the claims against Saldivar. Saldivar claims the report proved nothing and because of that it was never used in the deliberations against him. So will the PUP release it? Here's what Fonseca said:
"Unwilling to release the details of that investigation, however isn't this somewhat like what the UDP has done, the way that we get reports that are done by the auditor general's because its leaked, but the party itself refuse to comment on the specific results. Is it that you had concrete evidence to suggest that Arthur Saldivar did what he is being accused of?"
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"As I said we got internal report, we set up a committee that carried out an investigation into this matter, an inquiry. They delivered a report and that is completely an internal document. Government has an obligation to share with the Belizean people reports like the ones you are talking about, auditor general report and these other things. But this is completely an internal process."