And while the high schoolers were doing national service, the primary schoolers were at the Annual Children's Day Rally at Birds Isle. It was postponed last Friday as a result of the rain but the children were ready to go today - and why not, it's a holiday and a chance to get out of the classroom. But, more than just a fun outing, Dr. Carol Babb said the event is impactful:..
Dr. Carol Babb
"It has been very successful over the years. We've been having it for many years, more years than I can remember, but we get the children together and we try to focus on important topics such as patriotism; the focus this morning was on patriotism. We want to instill in these young people the love of country and we talk to them about ways that they can demonstrate patriotism."
"This morning I must tell you that they were extremely attentive. We never once had to ask them to be quite. We also had this young man who is a motivational speaker, a 12 year old - Anthony and he really engaged them and he inspired them and he motivated them and I look at their faces and I saw them watching intently and so I believe we are making some impact on the way that we want them to go."
Student #1
"I learn that you have to stand up for Belize."
Student #2
"To have everybody know the National Anthem and have everybody believe in God and learn to keep the city clean and stop the violence."
There were about 700 students present - much smaller than the crowds we used to see at the now demolished City Center.