And, as we mentioned earlier, there will also be lower rates from the state controlled utilities. First, the Prime Minister announced another doubling of internet bandwidth for BTL, as well as changing the tax regime for internet service providers..
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"Now, under nationalization, there is vibrant competition in the sector; liberalization resulting in the complete opening up of VOIP and related services; and internet and general rates that are at their cheapest ever. And as this forward march continues it gives me great pleasure to announce that I have just signed a Statutory Instrument making internet services zero-rated, rather than exempt, for GST purposes. This will allow all internet service providers to charge even less; and in the case of BTL as of October 1 customers will begin to get double the bandwidth for the same price. Of course GOB takes a revenue loss in consequence. But it is well worth it as together with BTL we deepen all- important internet penetration in this nation."
And while that change goes into effect on October first - no date was given for when BEL will drop rates again - just that it is a likelihood:..
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"BEL made profits of $18 million in 2013 while actually decreasing rates to consumers by 7.9%, and there is every likelihood of further rate reductions in 2015."
There was more in the speech - later on we'll show you how the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition had their own back and forth going on issues of security and governance.