In July we told you about the Felix Brothers, Maurice and Emory who had been released from jail after 8 years on remand for the murder of Mitchum Heredia. They faced three trials and got three hung jury results - so they were finally freed. But Maurice Felix only tasted two months of that freedom - tonight he's back behind bars because police say he's part of a gang called the Gill street Gangsters.
29 year old Felix and his cousins 30 year old Roy Bennett and and 26 year old Ryan Bennett were arraigned in curt #3 this evening for possession of a controlled drug and professing to be a gang member.
They were immediately remanded to prison. They were first picked up yesterday for possession of .2 grammes of weed - which is less than point .01 ounces. Then they told the court the GSU came and charged them for the gang offence.
Today Maurice's mother told us she is outraged at what she says is an abuse of her son who was working as a foreman on the Central American Boulevard road project:..
Janet Felix - Mother of Maurice
"They went to Ryan and Roy house and they found weed in their house and they took them to the station. When they took them there afterwards they say that no magistrate will be at the court until Monday. So I was going yesterday evening to do a station bail for them, but I decided that he stayed there and then today I was going to do the station bail, not knowing that they would just take him and put him in jail again. I think it is wrong, for a little piece of weed that they found in their house - I think it's wrong and moreover Maurice is working and the other two are working Ryan and Roy with CISCO, so I think it's really wrong. Every time the police say that they are in gangs, but then they were at Felix house. If they had different people there, it would be really different. From ever since the policeman are saying that Gill Street is gang. I don't see it as a gang because they are boys how knows one another from they were little - it's not people who come from all walks of life and go there - it's not so. We've been targeted because ever since they were release from prison, Maurice is always getting lock-up. They took him in for bell and light and he doesn't own any bicycle and they had him at Raccoon Street Police Station lock up for 3 days. They have me from side to side walking up and down frustrating myself and then they took him again, then now they took his this time - up he went to the prison."
They were remanded until the 27th November.