But - after we broke the news last night - the ASP Hall letter certainly caught the attention of Leader of the Opposition, Francis Fonseca. Today in the House of Representatives, he demanded to know why her very dire warnings and recommendations were ignored:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"That letter is very damning because it foretells what has actually taken place and it made clear that within the ranks of the police department, within the ranks of the Police Tourism Unit at the highest levels - there were very serious concerns. What follow up there was to this letter? The Commissioner of Police was alerted to this letter. Was it brought to the attention of the Minister of National Security? Was it brought to Cabinet? Was it taken to the national Security Council? These are serious matters. The inspector/commander said "God forbid one of our people or more than one of our people get killed" and unfortunately regrettably that has what has taken place Mr. Speaker."