Today the Minister of National security addressed the House Meeting at length - and we'll have that for you shortly - but, very notably, he had nothing to say about the ASP Hall letter. And while Saldivar slipped out before we could question him - we did ask the Prime Minister who chairs the National Security Council. He said the letter was not brought to his attention:..
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
"In terms of what Ms. Hall flagged. Again I don't know if that's the sort of thing that you would bring to the national Security Council. You would expect that the ministry would handle that almost as a matter of routine."
Jules Vasquez
"Apparently they did, the band played on, nobody paid it any attention - next."
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
"It is as I say, I can't fault the minister or anyone for not bringing that to my attention. My God man that's a detail for the ministry."
Jules Vasquez
"Perhaps you can fault them for not taking into account properly."
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
"I don't know what would be their response when ask about this and that's why what I can do and what I will do is to say to the minister, I try to suggest to all ministers you can't not talk to the media. Very many of you in the media that I consider a pain, but a necessary pain."
Jules Vasquez
"No one in this group?"
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
(Smiling)."Of course not. The media is critical and you have to talk to people, you have to talk to the public, you have to talk to the citizenry and the media is the best medium through which this is done, so I really will ask Minister John to try to accommodate requests especially when it is to ask particular questions on issues that clearly the public have a right to be informed about. I am sorry that I don't know more about why here was no follow through on the good inspector's report, but I just don't."
Jules Vasquez
"Based on the objective circumstances, the objective facts that we know, obviously if she sounded the alarm in January saying there are specific security risk to the TPU officers, these guys may well get killed. On the objective circumstances someone should have done something."
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
"I hate when people put words in my mouth, but on this occasion I think I have to agree with you." (Smiling)