The media also asked the Prime Minister about the GSU. He has stood up on multiple occasions for its controversial commander, Inspector Mark Flowers. But Flowers ahs also been the target of police complaints - and we asked the Prime Minister to reconcile his high praise with the dim view taken by some in the community:
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"I don't know of those particular circumstances, but I think Mark Flowers, while he is a hard charging police officer, I think also to be a very bright police officer and I find it difficult to understand how he would put himself in circumstances where he could be busted so easily, so I don't know the facts and I therefore will refrain from commenting on whether the allegations have merit but if formal reports have been made then those reports need to be processed, need to be investigated."
Jules Vasquez
"But aren't you creating a sort of dangerous situation that you are giving him some sort of insulation in so far as you have twice endorsed him and said that you all are bolstering the ranks of the GSU…so then."
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"But Mark Flowers isn't the GSU man and while I've said and will continue to say that I think him to be an outstanding police officer; outstanding people do wrong things and if, I don't care who it is, if it turns out that there is merit to the complaints, then the inevitable consequence will have to follow."