Yesterday we told you about the Sibun River's ghostly, sickly colour and the effect it is having on the Gracie Rock community - which depends on the river for its livelihood. Villagers believe that quarry work, or what is legally classified as mining has created the discoloration in the river. But, the Geology Department - which is in charge of all mining activities - says they don't think so. The Department's Michelle Alvarez told us that the white colour we first saw in May was caused by a mining operation - upriver in the Bonanza area. But, that operation, run by Larry Flowers, has since ceased operation - and did not cause this spell of whitening. And neither did the other mining operation that sits on the river - that's the one in Gracie Rock operated by National Aggregates. Alvarez says none of them are to blame in this case and her department doesn't know what is!
Today National Aggregates sent out a press release saying, quote, "As the residents themselves know, this issue arises from miles upstream…
National Aggregates reiterates that it has never and will not dump any aspect of its production or water back into the river and in fact, has its own man made lagoon and canals on its compound precisely for recycling of water from the washing. " End quote.
National Aggregates Ltd. Is the successor to Belize Aggregates Ltd. Which went into receivership. Most of its 38 employees come from Gracie Rock.
The Geology Department says it will continue to search for the source of this present discoloration.