Yesterday, 136 male and female recruits who passed out as fully fledged police officers, after going through their four months of formal training at the police academy.
These new police officers were part of the recruit intake #90, and 7News was there to see them take the oath. It's part of government's increased spending on security and Minister of National Security John Saldivar, told the officers what is expected of them:
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of National Security
"Recruit Squad #90, let me start by congratulating all 135 of you for successfully completing this process of entry into the Belize Police Department. 26 females and 109 males; you are 135 amongst the more than 800 applicants as I said before who have persevered over the last 18 weeks sacrificed and trained at the police academy. You have worked hard and now you are launching your career as a police officer. Squad 90, you have become a part of the police department at a time when the organization is changing. It is therefore crucial that you should know what
is expected of the police department that you have become a part of. Especially from me the Minister of National Security whose duty it is under the constitution to give general directions of policy to the commissioner of police. Every citizen of this country is entitle to live in a safe environment free from crime and violence where everyone respects the law and respects those who enforce the law. I have high expectations of you young officers and I am confident that you will rise to the call of duty even under the most intense pressures. You will work with calm and composure and you will act with skill and courage. It is my hope that the training that you have received here at the academy over the past 18 weeks have prepared you for this type of challenge that you are destined to face. I caution you, as you leave this academy and go to your first assignment treat the members of your community fairly and with respect."