7 News Belize

Celebrating the Need For Standards
posted (October 14, 2014)
World Standards Day was celebrated today under the theme "Standards Level the Playing Field". Why should you celebrate world standards day Well as abstract as it may seem, standards govern activities and decisions in every aspect of a society, from the quality of food you eat, to the type of butane you buy to cook your food. It also fosters a competitive atmosphere especially in the economy. Rudolpho Gutierrez, Consumer Protection Liaison Officer from the Belize Bureau of Standards explained the benefits of implementing standards in trade and investment in Belize.

Rudolpho Gutierrez, Consumer Protection Liaison Officer
"It's a day set aside to pay tribute to all these men and women from the world who work in indepthly in standards to promote and better the communities and societies of the world. For the exporting companies, in our mind I think the exporters are more cognizant of the need to have standards within their policies because at the end of the day there is a lot of requirements that needs to be met on the international market. We are a bit slow more in local with our importers of products. The local producers, but for the domestic markets, they need to embrace standards at a quicker pace."

Worlds Standard Day is celebrated annually on October 14th.

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