Lately, city residents have had to deal with a lot of irregular flooding and many blame the new cement streets - most of which were built without
drainage. But those living on JC Street in the Port Loyola area say their flooding predates those new streets – and exceeds all tolerable limits for
civil living. Today 7news visited the area.
Kirk Yard, Resident of JC Street
"As you could see behind me, that you have a water situation and it's been over 5 years that we've had this situation. I went to see the mayor about
it, I talked to the city engineer; I brought it to all their attention and so far nothing done. You can see that we don't even have walking space, we
have to use the edge of people's yard and fence to reach. Even the children have to walk in the water, so I make it an appeal to those who are hearing
to please try to assist us, put some kind of material in the street, please; Not just for me, but for everyone and the traffic on the street. Sometimes
the water last 2 months. As you can see we don't even have drains, no drains on the side of the street and that's kind of hard. The water can't run off
and right behind is is Jane Usher and that street is paved, so what about this? We are one set of people living in an environment, one area so it's
suppose to one straight across the table. Fix the streets, we are tax payers. We call it our personal swimming pools, there are 4 that way and there is
one that way, so there is no real entrance for people to go in or come out, it's all water."
The residents are pleading for the city council's assistance to help alleviate the flooding.
7 News for October 22nd, 2014 from 7News Belize on Vimeo.