This afternoon just after at 2:00, shots rang out on North Front Street in the area of Majestic Alley – just a few hundred feet away from the swing
bridge which is the centre of Belize City. This time the scene of the shooting was Eden Site Alley – which adjoins Majestic Alley. 28 year old Andrew
Tate, known as Froggy had been shot three times, once in the head. Tate fell to the ground, and his shooter fled, but an off duty policeman who was
passing the alley saw what happened – and he set chase. He said the gunman then pointed the gun at him – and that's when he shot him in the leg.
That gunman has been identified as Carl Lino – whose relatives live in Majestic Alley. Police found a nine millimeter pistol on him – and he is in the
hospital pending charged, while Tate is reported in critical condition.
And while that is the account from police who say they were lucky to have an officer in the right place at the right time, Lino's family has a
different story which his sister shared with us today at the scene:…
Diane Lino, Sister of shooting victim
"When I hear the gunshot, I ran. When I ran out I reached before everybody. I heard the gunshot and I ran and a person said they done shot him, they
done shot him, he's on the ground in the corner."
"Who said that?"
Diane Lino
"One of the police, and the two police went around by where the house is. So I ran and when I realised, it's my brother. The police took a gun from his
side and said he has this."
"You saw the police that the gun out from his side and put it on your brother?"
Diane Lino
"That's right, he put it on the ground by the lamppost, then he picked it up with a piece of stick."
"And said it was for your brother?"
Diane Lino
"Yes and my brother just left me 5 minutes ago. He told me was going to go buy 2 cigarettes."
"What's your brother's name?"
Diane Lino
"Carlos Leno."
"How old is your brother?"
Diane Lino
"Do you know where he got shot?"
Diane Lino
"I don't know."
"Why would you say he was running away from the police officers?"
Diane Lino
"Because my brother never goes back there."
"Did you see your brother at the hospital?"
Diane Lino
"What did he tell you?"
Diane Lino
"He's not talking, he can't do anything"
"Any reason why police was in the area?"
Diane Lino
"Just circling and I don't know why they would shoot my brother."
Again, while police say they did shoot Lino, the off duty officer says it is because he had just shot Tate and that he was found with a 9 millimetre
pistol. This is corroborated by two uniformed police officers who also chased Lino – they were on patrol in the areas as part of an ongoing operation
in Eastern Division.
As for Tate, he has been the target of many murder attempts. In June of this year his 16 year old girlfriend was shot in an attempt on his life as he
left the Princess. And in February of 2014, he was shot 6 times at the corner of King Street and West Canal.
Tonight there are conflicting reports as to whether he is dead or alive, but up to 6:00 pm – police told us he had survived the shot to his head and we
have since confirmed that with family members – that he is alive and was shot not to the head, but to the back of his neck, and that he is conscious
and talking. Tate is linked to George Street and is considered a close friend of the leaders of that organisation.