IF you watch the news regularly, you'll know that the activist group COLA loves hype – and tonight it is riding a wave of it – by promising to bust out
a major police scandal.
According to a breathless press release issued this afternoon COLA claims to have got its hands on, quote, "an extraordinary amount of files detailing
critical issues affecting the morale, manpower and operation of…the…Police Department."
The release says the documents detail a fistful of cop complaints from arbitrary transfers to poor living conditions. But, according to COLA, there's
more than just the usual grousing.
The release says, quote, "one document…fingers key Ministers of Government as masterminds of interference in and disruption of the careers of several
police officers to preserve their own agendas."
It adds that, quote, "this document shows political interference…in (an arrest for) the…crime of human trafficking."
Sounds like fun, but we'll have to wait and see what the proof is.
We contact COLA president Geovannie Brackett who said he will release the documents very soon.