And if you are unaware, the case which was decided before Justice Arana included SATIIM along with the Mayan buffer communities of Conejo, Crique Sarco, Midway, and Graham Creek.
But as we told you, about a month ago, the village leaders of Midway wrote the office of the Prime Minister to declare the community's unswaying support for development and for US Capital Energy's oil exploration efforts. It was signed by the alcaldes, and included a harsh putdown of SATIIM, in which it was alleged that the organization has done nothing to improve the lives of the indigenous Mayan living in the south.
That letter said, "We the Alcaldes of the Village of Midway... officially informs the Government of Belize that (neither) the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM)... The Maya Leaders Alliance (MLA), nor the Toledo Alcaldes Association (TAA) represent or are authorized to represent the village of Midway..."
That seems to be a complete severing of relations with SATIIM and the push to block US Capital from conducting their operations. So, we wondered how that will play into the appeal, since the letter says that SATIIM can't include them in any further court challenges.
We asked Executive Director Tzalam, and she says that the alcaldes misrepresented Midway in that letter:
Froyla Tzalam, Executive Director - SATIIM
"I did the exact same thing that we have done at the very beginning of the resolution or the proceeding for the case which was we went to the communities and ask everyone present if indeed; one) they knew about this letter; Two) if they had supported what the letter had said and very clearly the answer was no. One) they did not know about the letter and therefore did not support it."
Daniel Ortiz
"Ma'am, you say that Midway is one of the claimant communities. That letter says we Midway don't want to be associated with that. It seems to be a he said/she said. Who do we believe as the public and what is at play here?"
Froyla Tzalam, Executive Director - SATIIM
"It goes back to what I said; I went to a meeting in Midway after the letter was written because I had to find out. I mean, one of the things that we do is we don't just accept a letter written by anybody in an office and say this is the will of the community - we went back and I had the letter read out and I ask is this what the community wishes; one) do you know about the letter and; two) do you agree with the contents. Very clearly at that meeting and I answer to my communities, they said no, we do not know about this letter, we do not support the contents of the letter and we will continue with SATIIM."
Daniel Ortiz
"Now that you've investigated this for yourself. What is the position of the community in relation to this letter? Have they confronted their alcaldes about it and what has happen since then?"
Froyla Tzalam, Executive Director - SATIIM
"Yes they did. After I left the meeting there were almost fists fights. That's how very emotional the villagers got."
For context we note that Conejo's first Alcalde, Valentin Makin, was removed by his village for allegations of doing a similar thing, declaring Conejo's support oil drilling by oil drilling, when he ought not to. As you may have noted, Conejo is also one of the claimant communities.