Gilroy Usher Senior has been making a name for himself in the media recently. We wouldn't say he's a nationally known figure – but with the egg
throwing stunt he pulled in early October, he certainly earned some recognition – after all nobody had thrown egg at the Guatemalan Embassy before.
And today, he turned his focus from national issues to the division where he is running. That's Port Loyola – where he is challenging incumbent Anthony
Boots Martinez for a second time.
Today's protest was designed to challenge Martinez as the Minister of Poverty Alleviation – but it ended up in a sidewalk face that will make you need
laughter alleviation. And while it ended in comic relief it started on a confrontational note:….
This morning at 9:30. a few dozen supporters gathered under the bus shed on Central American Boulevard.
They had music, placards and attitude.
But what we didn't see were any elected PUP representatives.
And we can see why – it was kind of amateur hour with Usher publicly rehearsing the responsorial:
Gilroy Usher - Std. Bearer – Port Loyola
"When I say no house loan no, you say no christman money. Then we will say, tired of paying and you say, house rent."
They picked up the lines quickly enough and so did Usher's supporting cast:
Yasmin Shoman - Std. Bearer - Collett
"They're talking about Petrocaribe money, well roll the houses Mr. Prime Minister, roll the houses."
Lennox "Tambran" Young - City Council Canddiate
"People can't eat streets, people need better housing. People need to feed their children, people need to send them to school."
Gilroy Usher, Std. Bearer – Port Loyola
"Despite a billion dollar budget in addition to millions of dollars in separate loans, there is absolutely no proper low income housing. I want to
assure you that this demonstration today is just the start of the resistance in Port Loyola to get the government to address our needs with jobs, land,
better education and proper streets and drains among other things. Let the word go forth, let the word go forth."
And the crowd went forth – though a recently paved Jane Usher Boulevard. Only two southside PUP politicians joined usher – but the crowd was almost one
They marched through the area – eventually going off the beaten path into some areas with housing problems.
We weren't there but area representative Boots Martinez lined up to watch them at one point – and he told us he counted 7 actual Port Loyola voters in the
That became the subject of an ugly but entertaining street side dispute where both politicians went after each other for 15 solid minutes – much to the
amusement of a crowd that gathered around.
And it got personal too: Martinez lectured Usher about the 25% interest rate at his pawnshop – while Usher challenged him about his many private
At one point they even started arguing about who had the better failed newspaper! Akebulan or Liberty.
Folks, it was a heavyweight fight alright, but there were only low blows in this one!
And the winner? Well that will be decided a few years from now.
The drumming went on for minutes after that – and in the end no blows were thrown but after all the finger pointing, here's a tally of the damage done:
Boots Martinez one torn short pocket after Usher's pointing finger got stuck in there; Gilroy Usher one twisted glasses frame after Martinez knocked
his off doing the same thing, pointing.
But the good news is both men left the argument still laughing at each other.