The Toys for Tots programme today hosted a hundred underprivileged primary school children at its annual Christmas party. The kiddies' party was held at the Memorial Park this afternoon - where these six and seven year olds were entertained by the clowns Burger and Fries and even got a special visit from Santa Claus.
It's the organization's 13th annual Christmas party and 7news was there.
Indira Craig, Country Manager - United
"This year with partnered with SBK International and we find that whenever it is that we work with other sponsors it gives us an opportunity to do an even bigger production in terms of what we get to provide and what we have for the kids. We've been raising funds through United's sponsorship of a ticket throughout the year, one that will be raffling tomorrow and in addition to that like I said we have a couple sponsors that has come onboard to help us with the party this year. The initiative started as an employee initiative and it started with Continental Airlines 15 years ago. A lot of the other stations have discontinued doing the program, but here in Belize we have maintained it because it's just an event that allows us to be a part of these kids Christmas and give back and just share in the moment of giving. So we have maintained the program and we look forward to doing it every year. Primarily our focus is on the Southside schools. We try to look at the schools with the most needs and we ask the teachers to give us students that are below the margins, that would normally not be the children that would have a Christmas or at least something that they can walk away with and take for their Christmas holidays."
"We had face painting, we have the clowns here today and we also have food, drinks, games - we have our grand prize game that going to be coming up in a little while. Santa is going to make his grand entrance and if you notice Santa is decked-out in his blue and this is the big part that the kids are waiting for - the gifts, because every child leaves here with a gift. They also get an opportunity to win a tab, a boy and a girl. We had a special performance today by TR Shine. You guys just missed it. TR Shine was here and the kids were on their feet dancing and so it's just been a wonderful day out here today."