In April of this year, the biggest medical malpractice award in Belize's history was granted by the Caribbean Court of Justice to 13 year old Janae Matute and her mother Georgia Matute.
The panel of judges found that 2.3 million dollars must be paid to Janae Matute, and a little over half a million dollars must be paid to her mother, Georgia.
13 year-old Janae, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy was born premature, and due to post-natal complications, she was left with the disorder, which makes her life a constant struggle. The doctor, RajiMeenvalli, who the family sued for malpractice in the Supreme Court, challenged it in the Court of Appeal - and when he failed there, took his case to the highest court in the land, the Caribbean Court of Justice. That was heard in February of this year, where he lost. The liable party in this case would be the government - because he worked as a government doctor at the Belmopan hospital. But, it's been 9 months since the decision was handed down by the CCJ but still Janae nor her mother has been compensated. 7news attended a press conference this morning.
Fred Lumor, Attorney for Janae Matute
"Every day that the government does not pay interest accrues on the judgment of the Caribbean Court of Justice at $128.08 every day that this judgment is not paid. It is a shame and I want to publicly apologize to Janae and her mother because I thought that this matter would have been handled by compassion and care and some sensitivity by the government of Belize, knowing that a child who is disabled tremendously is involved. So I can only use this medium to appeal to the government of Belize to be sensitive and be responsible and take steps to fulfill the obligation to the child."
Georgia Matute, Mother of Janae Matute
"I went to Mr. Joe Waight's office and the office of the Prime Minister of Belize like a month ago and neither of them were in office and I went again last week Thursday and Mr. Waight was not in office again, the Prime Minister secretary, I spoke to her because I went over to his office as well and he was not in office either. However, both secretaries promise that they will forward my concerns again and they will get back to me. Well, Mr. Joe Waight's secretary got back to me and she said that he still needs some more clarity in respect to the payment and I'm like, "Why would he need more clarity and my attorney has written to him?" What else do they need, you know? And so, since then I haven't heard back from them. I haven't been able to get an audience with him. The Prime Minister's secretary told me that normally the Prime Minister would call me personally, I haven't gotten any call from him, I haven't heard anything else and she, as well, promised that she would speak to Mr. Waight and so I'm still waiting."
Fred Lumor, Attorney for Janae Matute
"Since this is the season when as the government itself would say, everybody ought to have a Christmas cheer, I am hoping that they will put Janae and her mother in a position where they can also be in Christmas cheer."
Georgia Matute
"I know that Mrs. Kim Simpliss Barrow is the person pushing that center and so I am appealing to her as well because she knows about people with disability. She works along people with disability and so I am hoping and praying that she would do something; speak to her husband, speak to whoever she can speak to because we need the help. It's a constant struggle when I have to be trying to carry Janae. Now my worse fear has now arrived and that fear is that I am kind of unable to carry Janae alone. I can barely lift her and take her around now and that is one of my biggest fears. I am appealing to the financial secretary, please we need the help and like my attorney had said about the Christmas cheer, I mean roll it this way."
Janae celebrated her 14th birthday last Saturday. She is attending Belmopan Comprehensive High School as a second form student.